"Laughter is brightest in the place where the food is."
They have me drinking this warm white stuff. It's not my cup of tea but I can't keep anything else down. I'll make it work, that's what I do. That said, my favourite foods used to be Bedtime Banana, anything smothered in a tasty ragú (tomato sauce), and sometimes I'd finish off by sucking on some frozen pear. That said, they want me to try loads of different foods so as not to ask for nuggets and chips when we go to a fancy restaurant.
My Way
I've tried it my way. Apparently, this isn't how it's done. I'm unconvinced. I like it this way. I wouldn't do this with a hot pasta dish, chocolate is ok, though.
My Staple
Mum offers a range of specialised services tailored to meet my individual needs; formula, frozen pear, yogurt, you name it.